Sponsor Our Conference!
In the past year we witnessed the incredible response from community leaders and farmers who pivoted quickly to the year’s challenges and leaned into collaborative prosperous ways forward. As we continue to strengthen our resilience, the need to grow together as community and nourish each other and the land will continue to be crucial to the well-being of Kansans.
We invite you to join us as a sponsor for our Farm and Food Conference series as we reflect on the year and way forward with hope and opportunity. Virtual conference dates include May 7th and August 6th. It is our hope that in November we will convene in-person.
We have been encouraged by how quickly we’ve all adapted. This conference series marks a special opportunity to embrace a new way of coming together, sharing information, and networking. Our February 2021 “Pollinators on the Plains” conference illustrated that this moment provides the opportunity to invite speakers and attendees beyond our typical geographic reach, which in turn has brought new and different perspectives to us.
Our yearlong platform allows us to invite vibrant and motivating keynote speakers each day along with both live and recorded breakout sessions. These keynotes and breakout sessions will not only provide a reflection on the world we met in 2020 but also inspiration for building resilience and diversity on our farms and communities. These will include a SARE Farmer Forum, Farm to School education, soil health experts and other practical sessions on food production, state policy, climate and agriculture, renewable energy, and more.
From farmers creatively finding ways to safely feed their neighbors, to undertaking difficult dialogue, we are all growing together and forging community. Amid all the uncertainty and changes, we remain committed to actively work towards building an ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially just food and farm system that nourishes healthy rural and urban communities and promotes meaningful livelihoods for all Kansans.
Over the course of 2021, we’d be delighted to have you share your organization or business with the farmers and ranchers, community leaders, local food advocates, and others interested in establishing a diversified farming system and vital local and regional food system feeding a forward-thinking Kansas.
Your sponsorship this year allows KRC to produce a top-quality conference series complete with distinguished speakers, diverse breakout sessions, and opportunities that create a positive, meaningful experience for conference participants. Please review the list of sponsorship options enclosed to see what fits best for you.
We look forward to growing with you! Please contact Ryan at ryangr@kansasruralcenter.org or Kaitlin at kstanley@kansasruralcenter.org if you have any questions about sponsoring our conference.
KRC Staff