Who We Are

The Kansas Rural Center  (KRC) is a private non-profit research, education and advocacy organization with deep roots in Kansas agriculture, communities, and grassroots organizing.  Begun in 1979 to address the loss of family farms, concentration of land and natural resources into fewer hands, and the rise of a capital intensive agricultural system that often leaves people out of the equation, KRC works to identify alternatives for a food and farming system built on stewardship that engages both rural and urban citizens, providing healthy and safe food, and meaningful livelihoods.

KRC is led by a governing board of up to 24 members from across Kansas who are actively working in the food and farming sectors. Most are active farmers or ranchers; they are also business people, educators, research and extension personnel, food activists and rural leaders. Similarly, staff work from across the state and have farm and ranching backgrounds, with many working in day-to-day activities of family operations.


KRC Staff

  • Tom Buller

    Executive Director

  • Ryan Goertzen-Regier

    Program and Administrative Manager

  • Jackie Keller

    Outreach Coordinator

  • Teresa Kelly

    Food Value Chain Coordinator

  • Leslie Montee

    Farm Business Navigator

  • Charlotte French

    Communication and Events Coordinator

Board of Directors


Elina, Alterman, Lawrence
Lawrence Humane Society

RJ and Angela Dake, Auburn
Hidden Hills Farms

Jill Elmers, Lawrence
Moon on the Meadow Farm

Laura Fortmeyer, Fairview - Treasurer
Jubilee Farm

Kate Giessel, Esq., Kansas City - Vice President
Of Counsel, Business Law Advisors

Brenda Gutierrez, Salina - EC At-Large
United Way

Jennifer Kongs, Topeka -Lawrence
Bark Media

Vicki Needham, Hays
SER Corporation

Donna Pearson McClish, Wichita
Common Ground Producers and Growers

Andrea Perdue, Lawrence - Secretary
Passionate Prairie Promoter

Zack Pistora, Linwood - President
Farmer; Lobbyist, Kansas Chapter, Sierra Club

Donn Teske, Wheaton
Farmer; Kansas Farmers Union

Karen Willey, Baldwin City
Farmer; Douglas County Conservation District Board