Board Member Spotlight - Troy Schroeder
First, I planted my yard, then other small public and private areas. We enrolled in CSP, which allowed us to take 60+ acres out of production and plant to monarch-beneficial plants
Sunflower Stories - Arkenberg Farms and Central Topeka Grocery Oasis
Expanding beyond YouTube, Briana dreams of starting an on-site classroom where people of all ages can visit, learn about the farm and develop their skills.
A Study Between Heirloom and Hybrid Vegetable Varieties
These teachings came from my parents and grandparents and were taught in the farm fields, at home and in ceremonies. The teachings were more than just learning how to respect nature and more than just offerings. They were the way of life and how we can take care of one another.
Community Snapshots: An Overview of the KRC Conference Session
At this year’s Food and Farm Conference, I hosted the Community Snapshots session inviting local food providers to highlight their operations. Representing the KS Specialty Crops Growers Ass. (KSCGA), Pete Pierson kicked off the session with snapshots of production, sales, reach, impact and potential impact.
Selling Local Food Product to Schools
There are opportunities for districts to buy smaller quantities through micro and small purchase programs. These could include one-time purchases for a locally focused meal or smaller quantities for things like a school salad bar. Finally, sometimes people think Farm to School only covers local vegetables. While there are specific nutritional standards that might make it easier for farmers to sell certain products, like orange vegetables, schools can source any part of a
school meal locally.
What Will Hemp Do For Kansas?
The “lowest hanging fruit” for hemp is food for humans and animal feed. This is because established research and protocols have been developed, and are ongoing for full marketability approval at the federal level.
How the Holistic Management testing questions can help align actions with your “true north.”
This question often reveals which options provide the win-win-win outcomes, and which fall short. Or, does one action significantly shorten the path to your desired outcome? That’s getting big bang for your buck.
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Workshop Series
Throughout 2022 half of my job has been to work toward developing a beginning farmer and rancher training curriculum that the Kansas Rural Center can use to provide education to annual cohorts of new farmers who desire further education about farming but may not want to or be able to enroll in an agriculture program at a Kansas community college or state university.
Metropolitan Woman Advocates for Rural Communities and Food Justice
Farmers wanted to share their harvests, months of labor, and years of good stewardship; New Americans wanted to share their traditions, recipes, ingredients; Chefs wanted to share their creativity, Educators wanted to share their passions, Neighbors wanted to share their green space...the list could go on. This generosity of spirit was easily recognized by me – it was the same one that I had witnessed in my farm family and rural community.
Kansas Rural Center uses Local Food Promotion Program Grant to Build “Central Kansas Food Corridor”
Other aspects of the project will focus on delivering fresh produce and local foods to food deserts and other areas with low access to healthy foods. The food hub’s distribution network will assist easier movement of local food throughout the region.
This issue of the Rural Papers includes reflections on work we have accomplished so far, but also a preview of some of the exciting things that are coming in 2023 and beyond. Next year when we will roll out the first introductory sessions of our Farm Beginnings programming in January.
Farm Bill Overview
The goal will be to pass new legislation before the end of September 2023 when the current bill expires. However, like so many things Congress might pass an extension so they can spend a few months past that deadline to finalize negotiations.
Farming Is For All
In all of these matters, young farmers of color face even more obstacles as historical legal discrimination continues to impede their access and progress. The FSA has finally begun to take a deep look at the discriminatory lending practices still happening across the country today and NYFC has highlighted this in every conversation with the USDA, pushing for more equitable laws and practices.
Why We Need to Talk About Climate Change
The goal of Step By Step is simple: if silence promotes increased anxiety and inaction, open conversation with others can reduce anxiety and help promote action.
Flipping the U.S. Farm Bill Right Side Up Will Be Better forKansas, Farmers, and the Environment
The good news is that our farmers, while always heroes in food production, can also be our heroes for the sustainability of our state and planet. But the rejuvenation of American agriculture hinges on one single, major piece of legislation: the U.S. Farm Bill.
Beginning Farmer Update
Though it’s true that many of the new farmers I’ve spoken with struggle with land and capital access, they face many other roadblocks that I didn’t necessarily expect.
Hope for Small Meat Processors and the Farm Bill
In this Farm Bill, sustainable agriculture advocates are hoping to see continued funding for the programs that mirror these key recent administrative investments made under Secretary Vilsack.
Food Security and the Farm Bill
With over 90% of the food assistance provided by the government through a variety of nutrition programs, a strong Nutrition Title in the Farm Bill is critical to ensuring that people have enough nutritious food to lead healthy, productive lives.
Board Member Spotlight - Donn Teske
With that in mind, he began offering his own testimony at the capitol as a means to hold his elected officials accountable. They needed to see and hear from who they were hurting