Results From Local Food Systems Roundtables

In the fall and winter of 2023-2024, K-State Research and Extension Local Food Systems held a series of local food community roundtables across the state of Kansas as part of a USDA Regional Food System Partnership grant project and with support from the K-State Research and Extension Local Foods Transdisciplinary Team. Roundtables were held in 14 locations across Kansas. Four virtual roundtables were also held. 406 people attended the roundtables, representing a range of sectors and roles in the food system.

At each roundtable, participants answered three questions:

1. What do you want your local food system to look like in the future?

2. What are the unsolved challenges of your local food system?

3. What are the needs and resources required to make progress?

Perhaps the most inspiring part of the whole process was hearing what Kansans want for their local food systems, which was consolidated into the three following statements:

· Local, fresh, nutritious foods are available and accessible to all community members through a wide range of market outlets, including grocery stores, local restaurants, schools and institutions, farmers markets, food hubs, and more.

· Profitable, diversified farms using environmentally sustainable practices are functioning within a healthy, equitable economic ecosystem and meeting the demand for a wide range of fresh, healthy foods in their local and regional communities.

· Effective, collaborative networks and systems ensure that farms, businesses, consumers, and those in need have access to the knowledge, funding, and resources to be successful, sustainable, and healthy.

The question we all have to ask ourselves is, “what is the work I can contribute to making this vision a reality?” How can we help our communities realize these ideals in a practical way and make progress on the challenges we face? I invite you to learn more about the needs we identified in the roundtables by reading through the whole report and think about what the next steps might be for your community and for the whole state of Kansas.

See the full report here:

Are you interested in holding a community roundtable for your area? Contact: to discuss the possibilities.

Teresa Kelly - Local Food Value Chain Coordinator, KRC


Farm to Foodbank