Lessons Learned On The School Farm

I have gained how to properly take care of the animals by watching them, caring for them, and helping them if they need it. Whether it be just the little things like feeding them clear on up to the big things like helping them when they are birthing. The most important skill that Ive probably learned is how to AI (artificially inseminate) animals, by watching it be done. Let me tell you what an awesome experience that was to be in on.

What have I learned?

I have learned how to tell when animals are in a heat cycling and how many days to count after the last sign of indocation. I have also experienced in the few years that I have been the farm manager when the sows are close to pigleting. Fun fact they dont clean their piglets so it’s kinda a life or death sitution when they are born, it’s a life or death sitution for a while until the piglets know when the sow will get up and lay down. So if I’m there I grab blue shop rugs and help clean them off.  Some die becasue of being smashed by the momma and some just know.

What do I enjoy about the farm?

I enjoy the farm because I have learned a lot of new things, but most of all I get out of school when things are happening at the farm. And for me that’s the fun part is that you can learn new things while being out of school because you are still learning, maybe not the subject that you are supposed to be in but... For instance Ive been out or have left to go check on the sows when they are close to birthing. If they have had any then you stay there, and make sure everything goes well with both the sow and the piglets.  Ive also left because I had to go check on a cow who had calved that morning, just to make sure they were both doing well.

Elizabeth Goering - Student USD 311


Protecting the Land and Our Prairie


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