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Friend of KRC

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Rural Papers newsletter
Legislative & Policy Watch e-updates
Recognition on our annual donor honor roll
Emails about important events and alerts

$10 to $59  – One-Time Donation

Sustainer of KRC

– Receive –

Rural Papers newsletter
Legislative & Policy Watch e-updates
Recognition on our annual donor honor roll
Emails about important events and alerts

$5, $10, $25, $50, &75 or $100/month – Monthly Donation


Major Gifts to KRC

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Rural Papers newsletter
Legislative & Policy Watch e-updates
Recognition on our annual donor honor roll
Emails about important events and alerts
Invitations to occasional special opportunities and events

$100 to $5000 and above – One-Time Donation

Donate In Honor of Someone Special

– Receive –

Rural Papers newsletter
Legislative & Policy Watch e-updates
Recognition on our annual donor honor roll
Emails about important events and alerts

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